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the ring leader curl intro

by evo

  • SKU: PR-EV-399133
  • Size: 44 pc.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
evo curl the ring leader curl intro has everything you need to be twisted for life; offering a complete range of curl-centric products made specifically for each and every type of curls.

Purchase 6 Each:
springsclean deep cleansing rinse 10.1 oz.
heads will roll co-wash 10.1 oz.
baby got bounce curl treatment 6.76 oz.
total recoil curl definer 6.76 oz.
liquid rollers curl balm 6.8 oz.

Receive FREE:
1 springsclean deep cleansing rinse Liter
1 heads will roll co-wash Liter
1 baby got bounce curl treatment Liter
1 liquid rollers curl balm 6.8 oz.
1 total recoil curl definer 6.76 oz.

12 evo curl retail brochure
1 A5 curl product info card
1 A5 curl campaign strut card
1 evo curl shelf talker
1 evo curl product display unit