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styling gel

(19 Items)
  • 165264 PM-SWSG-150 PM-SWSG-150 1 STRAIGHT WORKS SERUM GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell STRAIGHT WORKS SERUM GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. False paulmitchell/straightworksserumgel5oz.jpg Bonus Deal Available 14.21 14.21 14.21 False True False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchell STRAIGHT WORKS SERUM GEL transforms naturally wavy or curly hair into a shiny, smooth style. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Paul Mitchell STRAIGHT WORKS SERUM GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell

    5.1 Fl. Oz.

    SKU PM-SWSG-150

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  • 158295 PM-XTU-200 PM-XTU-200 1 Thicken Up Styling Liquid 6.8 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell EXTRA-BODY Thicken Up Styling Liquid 6.8 Fl. Oz. False paulmitchell/pmextrabodythickup.jpg Bonus Deal Available 12.18 12.18 8.40 True False False False 8.40 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchell EXTRA-BODY Thicken Up Styling Liquid is the perfect thickening styler that builds just the right amount of body. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Paul Mitchell Thicken Up Styling Liquid 6.8 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell
    EXTRA-BODY Thicken Up Styling Liquid

    6.8 Fl. Oz.

    SKU PM-XTU-200

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  • 138307 AZ-850003054063 AZ-850003054063 1 Captivate Structure Gelée 5 Fl. Oz. äz Haircare äz Haircare Captivate Structure Gelée 5 Fl. Oz. False zhaircare/azhaircarecaptivatestructuregelee5oz.jpg Bonus Deal Available 25.85 25.85 25.85 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Whether you’ve decided to be a secret agent or a supermodel, äz Haircare's Captivate Structure Gelée was made to give you the comfort of hold and style throughout your day. True Log in to view pricing. True
    äz Haircare Captivate Structure Gelée 5 Fl. Oz.

    äz Haircare
    Captivate Structure Gelée

    5 Fl. Oz.

    SKU AZ-850003054063

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  • 157272 LM-KSXHG5 LM-KSXHG5 1 LIFT xtra strong hold gel 5.1 Fl. Oz. LAKMÉ LAKMÉ k.style LIFT xtra strong hold gel 5.1 Fl. Oz. True lakm/lakmekstyleliftxtrastronghold.jpg Bonus Deal Available 14.56 14.56 14.56 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 LAKMÉ k.style LIFT xtra strong hold gel delivers ultimate definition with its extra-strong hold. This gel ensures your hairstyle stays in place throughout the day without leaving any residue. Plus, it washes out easily, making it convenient for daily styling. False Log in to view pricing. True
    LAKMÉ LIFT xtra strong hold gel 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    k.style LIFT xtra strong hold gel

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  • 157273 LM-KSSTG5 LM-KSSTG5 1 SMOOTH straightener gel 5.1 Fl. Oz. LAKMÉ LAKMÉ k.style SMOOTH straightener gel 5.1 Fl. Oz. True lakm/lakmekstylesmoothstraightenergel.jpg Bonus Deal Available 10.61 10.61 10.61 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 LAKMÉ k.style SMOOTH straightener gel is specifically formulated to provide thermal protection while delivering straight control to your hair. This gel helps to tame frizz and maintain smoothness, ensuring your hair stays sleek and straight during styling with heat tools. False Log in to view pricing. True
    LAKMÉ SMOOTH straightener gel 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    k.style SMOOTH straightener gel

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  • 157417 LM-KSWTGW3 LM-KSWTGW3 1 WATER TOUCH flexible gel wax 3.5 Fl. Oz. LAKMÉ LAKMÉ k.style WATER TOUCH flexible gel wax 3.5 Fl. Oz. False lakm/lakmekstylewatertouchflexiblegelwax.jpg Bonus Deal Available 19.31 19.31 19.31 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 LAKMÉ k.style WATER TOUCH flexible gel wax offers the best of both worlds: the flexibility of a gel and the texture of a wax. Its water-based formula provides shine while allowing for separation and definition with flexible control. This product features shape memory, meaning your style stays in place throughout the day. With a weightless feel, it offers a natural wet look finish. Plus, it washes out easily without leaving any residue behind, making it convenient for daily use. False Log in to view pricing. True
    LAKMÉ WATER TOUCH flexible gel wax 3.5 Fl. Oz.

    k.style WATER TOUCH flexible gel wax

    3.5 Fl. Oz.


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  • 157277 LM-KSXGEL5 LM-KSXGEL5 1 X-TREME ultra strong hold gel 5.1 Fl. Oz. LAKMÉ LAKMÉ k.style X-TREME ultra strong hold gel 5.1 Fl. Oz. True lakm/lakmekstylextremeultrastronggel.jpg Bonus Deal Available 18.73 18.73 18.73 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 LAKMÉ k.style X-TREME ultra strong hold gel offers an ultra-strong hold for long-lasting styles and a defined look. With its formulation, it provides great shine and control, ensuring your hairstyle stays in place throughout the day. Additionally, it boasts excellent humidity and flaking resistance, making it reliable even in challenging weather conditions. Despite its strength, it remains easy to work in and washes out easily, ensuring convenience in styling and removal. False Log in to view pricing. True
    LAKMÉ X-TREME ultra strong hold gel 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    k.style X-TREME ultra strong hold gel

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  • 153111 ZC-CNZ110050CCPS025 ZC-CNZ110050CCPS025 1 curl shaper 6.8 Fl. Oz. milk_shake milk_shake curl passion curl shaper 6.8 Fl. Oz. False milk_shake/milkshakecurlpassionshaper.jpg Bonus Deal Available 16.00 16.00 16.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake curl passion curl shaper is shaping fluid for curly hair. True Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake curl shaper 6.8 Fl. Oz.

    curl passion curl shaper

    6.8 Fl. Oz.

    SKU ZC-CNZ110050CCPS025

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  • 158216 PM-CVL-100 PM-CVL-100 1 volumizing liquid 3.4 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell clean beauty volumizing liquid 3.4 Fl. Oz. False paulmitchell/pmcleanbeautyvolumizingliquid3.4.jpg Bonus Deal Available 14.50 14.50 14.50 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchell clean beauty volumizing liquid gives fine strands a boost of volume, memory, and shine. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Paul Mitchell volumizing liquid 3.4 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell
    clean beauty volumizing liquid

    3.4 Fl. Oz.

    SKU PM-CVL-100

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  • 158425 MH-MHG-150 MH-MHG-150 1 IRON GRIP STRONG HOLD GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell MITCH IRON GRIP STRONG HOLD GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. False paulmitchell/pmirongripsuperstrongholdgel.jpg Bonus Deal Available 10.00 10.00 10.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchell MITCH Styling IRON GRIP STRONG HOLD GEL is a hair gel that helps bulk up hair, adding control and definition to any style. True Log in to view pricing. False
    Paul Mitchell IRON GRIP STRONG HOLD GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell

    5.1 Fl. Oz.

    SKU MH-MHG-150

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  • 158304 TT-LMGL-200 TT-LMGL-200 1 DEFINING GEL 6.8 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell TEA TREE LAVENDER MINT DEFINING GEL 6.8 Fl. Oz. False paulmitchell/pmlmintdefininggel6oz.jpg Bonus Deal Available 13.92 13.92 13.92 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchel TEA TREE LAVENDER MINT DEFINING GEL is a lightweight, crunch-free hair gel with calming lavender, mint and tea tree helps combat frizz, add shine and define texture. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Paul Mitchell DEFINING GEL 6.8 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell

    6.8 Fl. Oz.

    SKU TT-LMGL-200

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  • 158264 TT-LBG-150 TT-LBG-150 1 THICKENING BLOWOUT GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell TEA TREE LEMON SAGE THICKENING BLOWOUT GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. False paulmitchell/pmttlsageblowoutgel.jpg Bonus Deal Available 10.44 10.44 10.44 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchell TEA TREE LEMON SAGE THICKENING BLOWOUT GEL provides thickness and body to hair with light hold and a soft, weightless finish. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Paul Mitchell THICKENING BLOWOUT GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell

    5.1 Fl. Oz.

    SKU TT-LBG-150

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  • 158205 TT-TTFH-150 TT-TTFH-150 1 FIRM HOLD GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell TEA TREE SPECIAL FIRM HOLD GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. False paulmitchell/pmteatreefirmholdgel5.1.jpg Bonus Deal Available 10.73 10.73 10.73 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchell TEA TREE SPECIAL FIRM HOLD GEL helps thicken and build body with a healthy dose of shine. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Paul Mitchell FIRM HOLD GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell

    5.1 Fl. Oz.

    SKU TT-TTFH-150

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  • 158206 TT-TTGL-150 TT-TTGL-150 1 STYLING GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell TEA TREE SPECIAL STYLING GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz. True paulmitchell/pmteatreesytlinggel5.1.jpg Bonus Deal Available 10.73 10.73 10.73 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Paul Mitchell TEA TREE SPECIAL STYLING GEL creates body and intense shine while its medium hold ensures every strand stays in place. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Paul Mitchell STYLING GEL 5.1 Fl. Oz.

    Paul Mitchell

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  • 156161 SR-63796 SR-63796 1 FRIZZ FREE SPRAY GEL 4 Fl. Oz. Surface Hair Surface Hair CURLS FRIZZ FREE SPRAY GEL 4 Fl. Oz. False surfacehair/surfacehairfrizzfreespraygel4floz.jpg Bonus Deal Available 17.98 17.98 17.98 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Surface Hair CURLS FRIZZ FREE SPRAY GEL helps you master your curls with a botanical blend of Cocoa Butter and Babassu oil, creating a light-weight sugar gel that wraps hair to eliminate frizz. True Log in to view pricing. True
    Surface Hair FRIZZ FREE SPRAY GEL 4 Fl. Oz.

    Surface Hair

    4 Fl. Oz.

    SKU SR-63796

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(19 Items)